To be an actor requires courage and curiosity to examine one's own life experience, creative potential and relationship to humanity.
It requires the ability to be passionate about inquiry and discovery.
It requires talent.
I cannot teach talent.
I serve as a guide and inspire courage by helping actors understand the benefit of deep self-knowledge and the value of a rich and vibrant imagination: the essential means to living truthfully in any circumstance.
My teachers were Sanford Meisner and Uta Hagen. These two giants in the American Theater launched me into a life as a teacher, director and actress in New York City and Regional Theaters across the country.
As master teachers they passed on to me a clear process designed to ignite those actors who are willing to meet face to face, heart to heart, the demands of their artistry and explore their greatest potential.
“I’ll put it simply. There is no one better then Deborah Hedwall. She is a major actor/artist at the top of her form... ”
“My wish is that all acting teachers could be Deborah Hedwall, but a close second would be that as many actors as possible have the opportunity to train with her. In one of my notebooks from class I came across these words of hers: “All that I can teach you is that who you are is boundless and that the reaches of your soul are limitless.”
She can and she does.”